Federated States of Micronesia

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) comprises of the states of Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap, and spreads across 600 islands in the tropical western Pacific. The relatively young FSM continues to improve its cyber security posture. At the moment, the state and national governments utilize a mixture of cloud-based platforms and on-premise systems for day-to-day operations. Initiatives are underway that would improve the cyber security of government and constituent information and communications. Specifically, the FSM is employing public and out of country cloud-based platforms, leveraging inherent efficiency and cost effectiveness, for non-sensitive information; while utilizing on-premise and in-country private cloud(s) for sensitive and confidential information.
The Cyber Security and Intelligence Bureau was created by Executive Order as a division within the Department of Justice. The CSIB operates under the authority of the Secretary of Justice, and is given the objectives of establishing a practical and operational link to relevant national agencies dealing with cyber security, threats, and management. The Bureau will serve as the cyber-criminal law enforcement and intelligence network that analyzes trends of criminal activities in the nation and the region; it is mandated to implement modalities of collaboration and sharing of information among cyber security agencies; and to provide high-level policy recommendation to the Secretary of Justice on strengthening cyber security and criminal law enforcement, joint exercises and cross training, sharing of intelligence information, and recovery of illegal assets. The Bureau is mandated to provide technical guidance and expertise, collaborate with partners and networks of assets, to provide security to critical assets and infrastructure of the National Government, and to implement and execute operational mandates within cyber-space in combatting cybercrime. The Bureau shall assist Law Enforcement Officers and Investigators in executing cyber forensics and in other technical capacities.
More info: https://doj.gov.fm
Contact: csib@doj.gov.fm