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Published:  November 24, 2022

The 2022 PaCSON Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in person for the first time since 2019 in Suva, Fiji. The AGM is an important opportunity for PaCSON Members, Partners and key stakeholders to come together to collaborate and engage with each other, as well as plan and discuss the key priorities and activities for the coming year.

In 2021, PaCSON held their AGM virtually, with great success, yet meeting in person provides the unique opportunity to work directly alongside other Community members and key stakeholders to re-establish those relationships necessary to drive success and outcomes for the regions improved cyber security.

As part of the AGM, the PaCSON Community gave thanks to the outgoing Executive Committee, and welcomed the incoming Executive Committee. The PaCSON Secretariat has the pleasure to announce that the 2022/23 PaCSON’s leadership will include:

  • Vanuatu as Chair
  • Kiribati as Deputy Chair
  • Cook Islands as Incoming Chair

In welcoming the incoming leadership group, the PaCSON Community acknowledges the strong leadership demonstrated by the outgoing Chair, Tonga. As Chair, representatives from Tonga were instrumental in progressing important work for PaCSON. Including overseeing the expansion of our Community, through endorsement of applications for Membership by the Department of Information and Communications Technology from Papua New Guinea and Partnership by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The new Executive Committee looks forward to welcoming new Members and Partners who share and support the PaCSON vision of improving cyber security capabilities and cyber readiness across the Pacific through cooperation and collaboration. As the incoming Chair of PaCSON, Vanuatu will continue to support the legacy of providing strong leadership and guidance to the PaCSON community.

During the five days, PaCSON Members and Partners discussed a range of topics, including:

  • Exploring and exercising tools and techniques that can be utilised by PaCSON Members during a cyber incident to ensure that communications with stakeholders and customers are seamless, informative and effective.
  • Learning how best to manage and secure digital payment systems for Pacific Island Nations and support operations for critical financial infrastructure. The uptake of these services by the region continues to increase.
  • Reflections from PaCSON Members on their experiences with ransomware, developing and resourcing a Computer Emergency Response Team and rebuilding communications and IT systems in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

The 2022 AGM serves as an important opportunity for the PaCSON Community to come together in person to collaborate and communicate unique experiences. Working together to share knowledge builds upon our strong relationships, promotes truse and ensures that PaCSON can continue to improve the cyber security capabilities and readiness across the Pacific. The Community looks forward to having this opportunity once again, to come together in person at the 2023 AGM.