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The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) is Samoa’s leading organization in providing citizens, businesses and government with access to appropriate, high-quality, affordable and secure ICTs, to reduce hardship and poverty, and achieve and sustain a better standard of living.

We provide policy advice on all matters relating to the provision of postal and telecommunications services.

We monitor the provision of postal and telecommunications services.

We encourage and promote the provision and availability of high quality and affordable postal and telecommunications services to the public.

We assist in the establishment of a regulatory environment which will facilitate the development of postal and telecommunications services in Samoa which are efficient, competitive, and responsive to the publaic.

We advise on the technical nature of the postal and telecommunications services available in Samoa and whether they are adequate and sufficiently advanced having regard to the services available outside Samoa.

We advise on any developments in the postal and telecommunications industry.

We provide radio broadcasting services to promote awareness of government policies and developments; and to provide 24-hour broadcasting services before, during and after natural disasters.